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AK Ski Boutique Event Zermatt X Trampoline VP

Last week, we had the wonderful opportunity to collaborate with the Zermatt Summit 2023, hosted by Trampoline Venture Partners. This unique conference, known as the Zermatt Summit by Trampoline, brings together investors, entrepreneurs, and founders to engage in discussions about business, technology, emerging trends, and future prospects.

Participating in this conference was a tremendous honor for us. Ski Boutique had an amazing opportunity to showcase our AK Skis to a global audience. It was thrilling to introduce these skis to many who had never heard of them before, and witnessing the joy and excitement on the ski slopes was truly gratifying.

This event has been our largest to date, undertaken in collaboration with another company, and we are overwhelmed by the positive feedback received. Our involvement included providing several attendees with skis throughout the conference. The highlight, undoubtedly, was the exclusive ski test on Saturday at Chez Vrony. Set against the backdrop of one of Zermatt's finest restaurants, our ski test allowed participants a unique chance to try various models, experiencing the differences firsthand and discovering their ideal ski.

The entire conference was an invaluable learning experience in managing events. We gained a lot of knowledge and are excitedly preparing for many more events in the future.

We met many fascinating people from around the world and are hopeful that our story has reached even further.

Thank you!

AK Ski Test Chez Vrony Zermatt
AK Ski Test Chez Vrony Zermatt

Zermatt Summit 2023 by Trampoline VP
Zermatt Summit 2023 by Trampoline VP

AK Ski Test Chez Vrony Zermatt
AK Ski Test Chez Vrony Zermatt

Ak Ski X PureElectric
Ak Ski X PureElectric

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